So this started as just a single project for a friend's 18th birthday present but then just spiralled out of control thanks to me having a fair bit of free time on my hands. This project was mainly done during my VCE exam period whenever I took a break from studying. Half my family getting COVID left me isolated in my room and in need of a project to keep myself busy and to destress.
The main part of this project was the lemon bucket hat, inspired by my friend's love of (you guessed it) lemons and bucket hats. Because I couldn't really leave the house, I was limited to supplies that I had on hand, and there was definitely a bit of yarn chicken going on as I neared the end of the skein, but in the end, I made it (just)! Because the only yellow yarn I had was 8-ply (light worsted), I had to somewhat make up my own pattern which I based on the pattern in this video. Below is the pattern that I ended up using.
Hat Pattern

And here is where I started to go a bit
overboard. Said friend also really likes the Japanese cartoon character Anpanman and so I decided to make a mini amigurumi version by following a downsized version of this pattern. And THEN I decided to make a matching hat for Anpanman, which together might be the cutest things that I have ever made.
All in all, this was a really fun project and I am very glad that it gave me something to do that wasn't schoolwork.
The inspo song for this one has got to be the Anpanman theme song, given the direction that this project ended up taking.
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